Beijing time on October 22, morning, according to New York local media reports, the knicks, one of the key player amare stoudemire on Sunday to hospital for nuclear magnetic resonance examination, was found to occur around the left knee cyst rupture, so he has to leave the knicks,nike air max home, he will therefore miss two to three weeks, also will be sidelined for the regular season opener - November 2 and basket the nets game."Amare stoudemire yesterday felt a little uncomfortable, so we let him go home and rest." The knicks coach mike - WuDeSen said, nike air max cheap "and amare stoudemire mood still have some low, he felt a little depressed."On Saturday in Montreal, amare stoudemire first in the knicks in pre-season appearance, in the game against the raptors of amare stoudemire scored 18 points, personal status is ok, but did not display and off the team running in good effect. In to play raptors after the game, amare stoudemire feel knees uncomfortable, nike air max 2010final inspection result is that appear repeatedly injury.In the absence of amare stoudemire, Kurt Thomas likely as a starter power forward, the knicks coach WuDeSen may also let Anthony play power forward and the other a flank player as a small forward, Anthony last season a big striker is played quite well."I now for amare stoudemire feel sad, it appears he body a little couldn't nike air max 2010 mens keep up with the team's training and the pace of the game." Anthony in talked about the situation of amare stoudemire said, "by these injuries, and amare stoudemire sure you felt sad, we would wait for his return, we will always resist, until he came back to help us to better results.Anthony also said that in the absence of amare stoudemire, nike air max 2010 womens he expects will more time to play power forward. WuDeSen coach said, Thomas will be on Tuesday's game in 76 people of as a starter, Wayne rooney - brewer in previous training of excellent performance, he will get a shooting guard position on the chance.